I am a minimalist at heart. I am not sentimental at all- I throw away birthday cards and old high school mementos with gusto. Clear, uncluttered space makes me happy. But I am not the only one who lives in...
A Family-Friendly Free Ride in Atlanta I have many goals in life, contrary to what my children think. Among them: to be on the Ellen show during the Christmas season, to once again fit into my prom dress from Senior...
I remember being a little kid and loving Disney movies. I mean I loved them. Like every other little girl my age, I loved singing along with the songs and pretending I was a princess myself. Jasmine was always...
Sometimes (most of the time), doing what’s best for your kids is hard. I think that, as moms, we really try to deny this reality. We think that if we just implement the right system or read the right...
Mornings. You either love them or you loathe them. I am the latter. Let me paint a very real picture for you. I am one of those that hits snooze at least 3 times (my husband loves this about...
Spring is the season of warm, breezy days, leisurely picnics…and chronic sniffles. Unfortunately, prolonged hours outside in the springtime may be accompanied by itchy, watery eyes, stuffiness and a scratchy throat. But don’t resign yourself to the couch just yet....
Now, you’ve seen it. That was my closet. So messy that it actually won a contest for officially being “Atlanta’s Messiest Closet.” Y’all, this is the ultimate case of “(mom)life happens!” To clear the air, because I know you’re wondering,...
I am something of a professional Pinterest-er. By that I mean, I am an expert in the art of curating well-rounded boards. Catering to everything from my need to entertain 3 small children with nothing more than a dry...
When I became pregnant with my oldest (almost twenty-years ago, gulp) I was still a baby myself! I took a home pregnancy test but didn’t believe the results. Can you say “naïve?” When I went to my OB appointment, I...
Cold rainy days stuck inside got you feeling stir crazy? I’ve got you covered with 4 indoor activities for toddlers! All 4 options are low-budget and will get your toddler engaged. Salt Dough “Play-dough” Homemade salt dough is a winning activity for...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...