I swear I'm not going to preach to you about saving the Earth. My devotion ebbs and flows on a daily basis. Some days I'm very deliberate about recycling even the smallest scrap of paper (my kids are obsessed...
We are a family of three, however about a year ago, we added a member to our family. No, we did not have a baby nor did we adopt a pet. This new family member has a name and...
"No presents please!" is a phrase I'm seeing more often than not on the many birthday party invitations flooding my son's social calendar. With most schools now requiring inclusion for such events, the number of presents being purchased adds...
We live in a culture that glorifies individualism, perfectly curated social media feeds, and success in all areas of life. While these ideals negatively affect everyone, I believe it is the most harmful to mothers. Motherhood is not meant...
Do you enjoy crafting?  Enjoy day-dreaming about having time to craft and or make things?  Do you spend time browsing Pinterest and looking at fun things you wished you could make?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might...
Happy Siblings Day! It is only this year that I learned of National Siblings Day. Growing up I remember a litany of Mother's and Father's Day cards but I’m positive my sister has never gotten a “Happy Siblings Day” card...
Ah, grilled cheese! That scrumptious, ooey-gooey sandwich that takes us all back to childhood. Grilled cheese sandwiches frequently poll as one of the nation’s top comfort foods. They can be as simple as white bread with a couple Kraft...
I am guilty. Guilty of being the mom who drowns herself in the mom guilt pool. Mom guilt is the worst and it's so hard to not feel guilty about practically everything these days.  Honestly, thanks to Google, I...
I know, it seems it is a lifetime and a half away...but we all know how this goes. One day it's Spring Break and the next the kids are OUT FOR SUMMER. Panic sets in about plans for camps...
Wife. Mother. Daughter. Friend. Sister. As women we can have so many titles. Business woman. Carpool driver. Caretaker. Head of the Household. Organizer. Just like the titles we are given, our expected “roles” feel endless. With all these identities...



In + Around ATL

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

5 Peach Farms in the Atlanta Area

When summer rolls around in Georgia, there's one fruit that steals the show: the peach. Known for its juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor, the...