Pop-quiz time mamas: I want you to list your top 5 priorities, whether it’s your kiddos, career, relationships, etc. Jot it down…go ahead, I’ll wait. Do you have your top 5? Let’s look at your list…did YOU even make that list? If you’re anything like me, you didn’t. Since becoming a mom, I’ve struggled to make sure I do stuff just for ME. It seems to get pushed to the side, or “if I have any time left” after everything else is done. I’ve got a few ideas for you…from free or almost free to splurges! During February, the month of loooooooooove, let us not forget to love ourselves.
Free or Almost Free
These are things you can do that are either free or cost just a few bucks:
- Nature Walk: We have so many great places around Atlanta where you can get outside and just breathe. Sweetwater Creek, Kennesaw Mountain, Stone Mountain, the Beltline. Take your pick. If you’re feeling especially motivated, turn that walk into a run.
- Bubble bath: This you can do after the kids go to bed. Let the warm water run and those suds pile up. Grab a glass of wine, candles and some soft music. Stay in there until your fingers look like soaked raisins.
- Face masks: Have you seen these fun animal face masks at places like TJ Maxx or Target? Make that face of yours even more beautiful! Bonus points if you scare your kids or make them laugh at you. I look as good as the package picture in this mask. AMIRITE?!?
More of a Splurge
If you have some money to spare, I’ve got some terrific ideas.
- Parents Night Out: Need some A-L-O-N-E time? The Little Gym offers a monthly Parents Survival Night for kiddos age 3-12 that are potty-trained. You don’t have to be a member to take advantage of this. My daughter LOVES these nights…and she sleeps in the next morning too! Also, our daycare does something similar, so check that as another option.
- Mani/Pedi: This one is tried and true relaxation. Get one or the other…or both if you can! If you haven’t been for one in ages or are new to the area, check Yelp to find a great place. In the Mableton/Smyrna area, two places I can highly recommend are Glam Nail Spa and Polished Beauty Lounge.
- Massage: Admittedly I do not do this often enough. When I do make the time, Village Health and Wellness in Smyrna/Vinings is my go-to place. They make me say, “ahhhhhhhhhh.” Whatever your style of massage (deep tissue, Swedish, hot stone, reflexology, Thai, etc.) they have it.
What are you going to do for yourself during February? Self-care is NOT selfish at all. YOU matter…to your kids, your family, friends, coworkers, pets…your well-being matters and should be a priority! Commit here by sharing your self-care promise for this month. What self-care ideas do you love most? Share with other mamas!