Top 10 Reasons Kids are Awesome

Being a mom is hard work. It’s not all sweet pictures of your precious newborn and smiling kids. Motherhood is a mix of wonderful and difficult, crazy and sane, lovely and not-so-lovely…you get the picture. It’s a perspective so unique and complex, all the writing in the world couldn’t capture the magnitude of what it means to be a mom.

But, today, I want to give those precious little beings some credit where credit is due and highlight all the absolute, wonderful things kids bring to our lives as moms. After all, being a kid isn’t always a piece of cake either.

So, here it is seasoned moms, new moms, and expecting moms. Do you agree?

Top 10 reasons kids are awesome

10 – They are cute. I mean, really do I have to say more? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess, but I say they are cute. Even when they are picking boogers and covered in poop, they still manage to crack a smile on my face. I can’t say the same for adults in those situations.

9—They are so refreshingly genuine to who they are. We are all born unique, and as adults, we often lose parts of us based on societal or family expectations. When you are a kid, often what you see is what you get. I love that.

8—They love you unconditionally. This is one of the most beautiful gifts of being a mom. The way a child loves his/her mom. It’s a love like no other.

7—Kids make me smarter. There are so many new things you have to think about as a mom, and kids are constantly challenging you, thus opening parts of your brain that need exercise (especially once they have homework).

6—They are creative. Dare I say it, but wait to introduce smart tablets and phones to your kids and see how imaginative and creative they really are. I’m always in awe of my children when they are left to play without technology.

5—They are brutally honest. They have no reason not to be, so kids are brutally honest – whether you like the answer or not, you can expect a real one. So next time you want to know if your hair looks good, ask your kid.

4—Kids give a new perspective to life. As a mom, with full responsibility for the well-being of another human, you have a whole new perspective on life.  Suddenly, things you cared about before don’t matter as much. All you want is for your kids to thrive, whatever that means for them.

3—They are tiny versions of you but different. It’s very surreal to have a tiny person who looks like you, acts like you and mimics you. While every child is unique in their own way, and they have their own personality, there is something special about common bonds and characteristics between mom and child.

2—Kids are fun! When I take a break from work, stress, time and deadlines, and play with my kids, man is it fun. They have an undeniable way of bringing out the child in you if you’ll let them. And, its something we all could benefit from.

1 –They open your heart. Having a child opens your heart, mind, and soul in ways you never knew existed. They change everything. And, if you give your heart to them, they will fill it with so much love and gratitude for life.

I’m certain the list would go on forever if each of you reading this added your own perspective. Do you think kids are awesome too? Tell us why!