To Party Or Not To Party, that is the Question

My son’s first birthday is in a few weeks and I am busy party planning. The decision to have a party was a no brainer for me. But I was surprised by how many people have felt comfortable telling me I should not have a party or do anything big. I understand most people meant well when they explained I should not go into debt to pay for a big shindig or that my son won’t remember the party so keep it small and simple. I respect and wholeheartedly understand all the advice shared.

The invitations I ordered have arrived and will be going out soon enough. I am over the moon excited. I guess I am stating all this to simply state, please don’t rain on a new mom’s parade. There is no right or wrong answer here. If she wants to celebrate a child’s birthday with a big party, a simple gathering or do nothing at all, please let her. Respect her decision. Let them eat cake and celebrate their milestone in the way they feel is best. Personally, I’m all for a celebration and cake. The party planning will continue and hopefully, the unsolicited advice and comments will stop.

How did you celebrate your child’s first birthday?