October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

When I think of October, I think about pumpkins, harvest, and pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Approximately 4 years ago, the following conversation took place. “Ok, I am going to take these results to the doctor and will be right back.” As I waited in that sterile cold room my mind wandered for a bit until I heard 2 sets of footsteps. Oh no! My heart started pounding and my initial reaction was, “This can not be good.” The tech walked in with the Radiologist. “Mrs. Reinhagen, you have a mass we would like to further explore.”

This is the story of my experience of a suspicious lump in my breast. As the story plays out after multiple appointments, my mass was benign. However, I personally know others whose story did not end the same.

According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. There will be approximately 266,120 new cases of breast cancer and about 40,920 women will die from breast cancer this year. If you think of 8 women you know, there is a chance one will develop breast cancer. This is a scary statistic.

Most of us have heard early detection screening is vital to early diagnosis and treatment. Doing self-breast exams and getting your mammogram are ways to practice early detection. This was true in my case. I felt a lump, had an appointment with my doctor, and had a mammogram within 6 weeks. If I had waited for my next annual appointment it would have been another 8 months.

Another way to help is by supporting the events taking place, especially in October, memorializing the victims, and celebrating the survivors. Here are a few of the events happening this month around the city.

Breast Cancer Awareness Sip and Paint

Saturday, October 13 3 p.m.

50 Shades of Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Brunch and Expo

Sunday, October 21 1 p.m.

Breast Cancer Awareness Bowl-a-Thon

Tuesday, October 30 2 p.m.

Wacoal Fit for a Cure Bra fitting

Ongoing this month

For more information on this event and others visit www.Komenatlanta.org

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

Saturday, October 27

Atlanta Falcons Crucial Catch Game

Sunday, October 14

If you are flying Delta this month, pink lemonade and pink headsets are being sold for $2.00 and if you shop at Kroger, they are selling pink ribbons for $1.00.

These are just a few sample ideas of how we can support bringing awareness to everyone for early detection and support the research that is being done to find a cure!