Three Types of Fall Moms

Fall is here and that means Halloween, my children’s favorite holiday, will be here before we know it. Our family loves everything about Halloween and over the years I have learned there are typically three types of fall moms. 

Three Types of Fall MomsThree Types of Fall Moms

The Over the Top Mom!

She has all her fall decorations neatly put out by September 1st. Her home is filled with pumpkins, leafy decor, and every fall candle imaginable. Her autumn wreath is up and her outdoor decor can be seen from the street making other moms want to run home and decorate too. She is the first in line for pumpkin spice lattes the morning they are released wearing her cutest plaid flannel to get in the spirit. Her children’s Halloween costumes have been picked out for months and ordered way before October, so there is no risk of their preferred costume being “out of stock.” She also has her and her spouse’s “couple costumes” ironed and hanging in the closet along with all of the hidden Halloween candy her children have no idea about. She lives for all of the fall festivals and has them all written on her family calendar so there is no chance of missing anything. She has all of the plans for her spooky Halloween lights, and sound system waiting to be put up as soon as the HOA approves it along with her own small pumpkin patch on her front porch. Halloween is her holiday and she can’t wait for the 31st!

The Wanna-Be Fun Mom!

Every year she tells herself she will “get it together” and plan ahead next year so that October doesn’t get away from her due to the chaos of life with kids. She doesn’t have time for fancy decor that her children will just smash and ruin but she does her best to get everyone in the spirit and make memories together. She has fun seasonal crafts planned and looks forward to baking pumpkin goodies with her little bakers who eat all of it in less time than it takes her to even clean up. She lets her children pick her costume and enjoys getting in the spirit and being a rainbow unicorn as long as it makes them smile. Who cares if the costume is $50 and itchy as can be. She buys king-size candy bars because her kids tell her to and makes jello shots for the adults because they deserve a pick-me-up treat too. She tricks or treats for hours until everyone is complaining their feet hurt and ready to pass out. She doesn’t put a candy limit on her kids which undoubtedly always backfires when they are jumping off the walls at midnight but hey they are having fun! Halloween shouldn’t be stressful or full of rules in her opinion. She is here to ensure her kids have the best memories possible. 

The Lucky Procrastinator!

She never has a Halloween countdown going and only remembers when her kids ask her if their costumes came in the mail yet? Shoot! She didn’t even order them, but Halloween isn’t until tomorrow she still has time. She is the Mom who runs out on the 30th in search of costumes for kids and candy to pass out only to find the shelves are mostly empty. She goes to every Target within a 100-mile radius when finally she gets lucky and finds everything she needs. She runs home only to find out she needs to make some last-minute alterations herself in order for the costumes to stay up all night. She digs through the garage as the sun is going down in search of any Halloween decorations she can find so she is not the only house on the street without any. She pulls out a ghost and a cracked plastic pumpkin and calls it a win. She turns on her porch lights and runs to the door exhausted but ready to greet the first group of trick or treaters. Phew, that was close but she pulled it off! She always does! 

Whichever one of these fall moms you are I hope your fall is filled with whatever makes you and your family happy and brings you joy this season! 

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Caitlyn Viviano
Caitlyn Viviano is a military spouse and mom to three children under seven. She holds a Master's Degree in Education from Johns Hopkins University and worked as an elementary school counselor before having children. She continues to support and advocate for public schools but has found writing is her true passion. She is currently working on writing a children’s book about unicorns inspired by her daughter Chloe. When she is not writing or chasing after her kids she enjoys painting, baking, and has just started gardening. She recently left South Carolina and moved to Georgia and is looking forward to making Georgia home for the next few years until the Air Force tells her otherwise.