Splatter Studios In and Around Atlanta
Each year, on the last day of our summer vacation, my two daughters and I celebrate “girl day.” It’s a day we’ve dedicated to spend together, just the three of us, doing something we all enjoy. Although I’m lucky that they have similar interests, it’s sometimes hard to find an activity they will both enjoy with their whole hearts because they are four years apart in age. Depending on the phase of life, four years can feel like forty years (hello, 1 and 5-year-olds and 9 and 13-year-olds!).
This year we made plans to see the Barbie movie pretty early on and decided to throw in foot massages at Treat Your Feet for good measure. But since our two activities weren’t exactly conducive for actually interacting with each other, I went on a hunt for something fun and unique we could really do together. That’s how I found The Splatter Studio. And wow, did this place fit the bill? I honestly cannot think of an age group that wouldn’t find this fun!
We went to the Sandy Springs location, which coincidentally was in the old Catch Air building where we celebrated Girl Day many moons ago. I didn’t do much research beforehand but one look at their website told me wearing old clothes and shoes would be a good idea. So glad we did! You enter the facility and check in. They give you a poncho, gloves, and shoe covers (which are actually optional if you just want to get messy!). You are supposed to put your belongings in an open cubby by the wide open door so I decided to wear my bag under my poncho instead. Next time, I’ll just leave my bag at home because I even got messy under my poncho.
The attendant gives a quick run-through with basic instructions and a short list of rules. They encouraged us to throw, squirt, and spray paint all over our canvas. The only rules were no shooting paint at other people and no mixing of paint (they’ll give you a separate container if you’d like to mix a color). Each station is equipped with a variety of tools and a big tub of water that is switched out halfway through your session. We were one of 5 groups (a total of about 15 people) and they spaced us out so it felt private.
It was more fun than I could have imagined, splattering paint everywhere, pouring paint down my canvas, and even using my fingers to swirl it around! There was zero pressure because if I wasn’t happy, I could wipe off the paint and try it again…which I did multiple times!
Fair warning, you get really messy! My oldest tried her best to keep the paint where she felt like it was supposed to be but even she had paint on the parts of her body that weren’t covered by the poncho. My youngest was to my left, putting me in her direct line of fire as she threw paint on her canvas so I was covered in paint, head to toe by the time I was done. She thought it was the best thing ever to be able to throw caution to the wind and not worry about the mess! I loved that I could just giggle as she had many “oops” moments with spills and splatters.
When you’re all done, you leave your canvas on the hook and get cleaned up at their wash stations. They have mirrors, soap, and even the grime remover you see in garages. While you’re getting clean, the attendants box up your canvas in a giant pizza box to take home.
I love that we now have a beautiful memento from our girl’s day to hang in our house. We will remember this experience each time we walk by it!
If The Splatter Studios aren’t conveniently located near you, check out these other splatter studios in and around Atlanta.
Did we miss any splatter studios around the city? Let us know in the comments below.