My children would spend hours and hours reading if given the chance. So, we love to incorporate essential lessons and teachable moments in our house through reading.
Tackling tough topics with our kids can sometimes bring some uncomfortable moments and other issues we just don’t always know how to explain. Reading is the perfect vessel to get through these moments and can help build comfort, trust, and understanding with your children when these things come up now and as they get older.
As parents, we’d much rather have the grasp on teaching our children correct information about certain subjects instead of having them learn from classmates or others. Below is a list of books we currently read but I also included a few that have been recommended to me for the future! As always, I would encourage you to check out these books at your local library prior to purchasing or sharing them with your children so that you can decide which books work best for you and your family.
Kids’ Books that Cover Tough Topics
- The Not-So-Friendly-Friend: How to Set Boundaries for Healthy Friendships (ages 4-7) by Christina Furnival
- The Friendship War (Ages 8-12) by Andrew Clements
- Our Diversity Makes us Stronger Social-emotional book for kids about diversity and kindness by Elizabeth Cole
- I Choose to Speak Up: A book about bullying, discrimination, or harassment by Elizabeth Estrada
- Bodies are Cool (ages 3-5) by Tyler Feder
- I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids by Gabi Garcia
- The Magic of Me: My Magical Words by Becky Cummings
- The Magic of Me: My Magical Feelings by Becky Cummings
- I am Stronger than Anxiety by Elizabeth Cole
- I am Stronger than Anger by Elizabeth Cole
- Her Body CAN (all ages) by Katie Crenshaw
- No means No! Teaching personal boundaries, consent, empowering children by respecting their choices and right to say ‘No’ (age 2-9) by Jayneen Sanders
- Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent, and Respect: Teach children about body ownership, respect, feelings, choices, and recognizing bullying behavior (ages 4-10) by Jayneen Sanders
- The Care and Keeping of You 1 (ages 8+): The Body Book for Younger Girls by Valorie Schaefer
- The Care and Keeping of You 2 (ages 10+): The Body Book for Older Girls by Cara Natterson
- The Girls Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for a Happy Healthy You! (ages 8-10) by Kelli Dunham
- Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys (ages 8-12) by Cara Natterson
- Growing up Great!: The Ultimate Puberty Book for Boys (ages 8+) by Scott Todnem
- What Makes a Baby (Ages 3-7) by Cory Silverberg
- It’s Not the Stork! (Ages 4-8) a book about girls, boys, babies, bodies, families, and friends by Robie H. Harris
- Sex is a Funny Word (ages 8+) by Cory Silverberg
- The Invisible String (And the rest of the series is great too) by Patrice Karst
- The Memory Box: A Book About Grief by Joanna Rowland
- Annie and the Old One by Miska Miles
- Loving Comfort: A Toddler Weaning Story by Julie Dillemuth
- Nursies When the Sun Shines: A little book on night weaning by Katherine Havener
Do you have favorite books that you have used to talk about tough topics with your kids? Let us know!