Kids’ Books that Cover Tough Topics

Kids' Books that Cover Tough TopicsMy children would spend hours and hours reading if given the chance. So, we love to incorporate essential lessons and teachable moments in our house through reading.

Tackling tough topics with our kids can sometimes bring some uncomfortable moments and other issues we just don’t always know how to explain. Reading is the perfect vessel to get through these moments and can help build comfort, trust, and understanding with your children when these things come up now and as they get older.

As parents, we’d much rather have the grasp on teaching our children correct information about certain subjects instead of having them learn from classmates or others. Below is a list of books we currently read but I also included a few that have been recommended to me for the future! As always, I would encourage you to check out these books at your local library prior to purchasing or sharing them with your children so that you can decide which books work best for you and your family.

Kids’ Books that Cover Tough Topics

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Do you have favorite books that you have used to talk about tough topics with your kids? Let us know! 


Kids' Books that Cover Tough Topics

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Kelly VanBeek
Kelly is a metro-Atlanta native, self proclaimed free spirit and stay-at-home-mom to a mischievous 5-year-old and spirited 8-year-old. When she is not chasing her kiddos through Walt Disney World, you can find her running on a trail, scoping out local markets, cheering on the Atlanta Braves and Georgia Tech football, reading romance novels, writing poetry, listening to Taylor Swift and sipping iced coffee. She lives with her husband of 13 years, her two daughters, and their Boxer-mix named Captain Jack.