
Catherine is a 40++ year old newlywed with a newly adopted 11 year old son. Bred, born and raised in Carrollton, GA, she left town in a cloud of dust at 17 for college, graduate school, marriages, stepchildren, jobs/careers, and almost double digit number of moves that took her all the way to Colorado by way of Tennessee and Kansas. All in all, 23 years of well-lived, well-learned life - with great memories and lessons to share. This threesome returned to Carrollton in 2014 to be closer to family and raise Little Man in a strong, but smaller community with access to bigger city items when desired. And it has been wonderful - except for the humidity.

Mama Needs a Moment…To Make Some Jewelry!!

  Ladies, even those of us who do not have a Martha Stewart bone in our body can appreciate trying a new activity.  So, what if you could try it with a few of your...

A Plan for Summer Reading

I know, it seems it is a lifetime and a half away...but we all know how this goes. One day it's Spring Break and the next the kids are OUT FOR SUMMER. Panic sets...

What’s a Mom to do with #metoo?

Yes, I posted this hashtag this fall - as did the majority of my friends.  The screaming pendulum of sexual misconduct allegations finally made this topic more socially acceptable for discussion; its constant appearance...

Is Winter Over Yet???

Given the crazy weather we have had in Georgia recently, the interest in Groundhog Day may be at an all-time high!  While the national spotlight for this activity is held by Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania,...

Trips, Not Gifts

While the holidays are lots of fun, involve seeing family (perhaps tolerating family), and are always full of delicious goodies. There is one portion that is just a little too overdone at times...the gifts....

Dinner’s On!

For those of you new to the Atlanta area, the AJC newspaper used to run a cool feature each week called the "5:30 Challenge." The gist of it was to create a meal with...

Wacky Cake

Who doesn't love chocolate cake?  As in, a flavorful, far from dry, super texture chocolate cake!!  Me!  And my crew - the 12-year-old requests it by name.  To make this, even MORE, fun -...


Yep, it has been a year since I became a momma...August 16, 2016, to be exact. We get to celebrate our 1st Gotcha Day. Which, the 12-year-old loves because it means it is a...

Managing the Mouth of the South

Let me start by saying my 12-year-old is an awesome kid. Smart, funny, silly, loving (most of the time), helpful (some of the time, when reminded). An all around great kid. I adore him...
Feeling...Less than (Comparison Trap) | Atlanta Area Moms Blog

Feeling … less than

Allow me to introduce you to some amazing women who may not be in my immediate circle, but are all housed in my life's concentric ones. Meaning, I personally know and have spent time...